Friday, March 5, 2010

Linkage on a Slow Friday

*The winner of this trophy gets a few extra Bengals scouts at their Pro Day.

*I can't believe I missed this story seven years ago. Very sad story but the writing is impeccable.

*First, Miss Elizabeth. Now, the Big Boss Man. Say it ain't so.

*This one goes out to loyal reader RyMac. I like the coach's explanation for the name of the play best.

*PhotoShop is great.

*I'm waaaay late to the party on this one as well: Johan, impressive.

*Loyal reader georgekaplan sent this along.

*Has U2 figured out how to count to four in Spanish or are they still singing "uno, dos, tres, catorce?"

*Just a great pitcure all around assuming you aren't a Jets fan (D'oh). Is that a young Mike Holmgren in the background?

*This could be useful for anyone filling out a bracket this year...which I assume is everyone reading this post.

*Here's a saber-friendly approach to quantifying the abilities of NFL defenders. Pretty interesting stuff.

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