Sunday, July 1, 2012

Time to Hang ' Em, Jamie

49-year old Jamie Moyer - and all his stirrup glory - just signed with his third team this season trying to give it yet another go.

This guy has won 269 games over his 25-year career.
Jamie, despite making only $60,000 in your rookie season, you have earned over $82 million in your playing career, and you are a dork. There's no way you blew through that money Antoine Walker style. I just can't picture you making it rain in South Beach. You are loaded.

There are ~200 players currently on big league rosters that were born after you made your Major League debut.

You pitched against a team that had a player-coach, Pete Rose. Oh yea, Rose just turned 71 years old in April.

You were the oldest player in the American League... in 2005.

You've given up the most home runs in the history of Major League Baseball.

Some players dream of reaching free agency. You've signed as a free agent 12 (!) times.

You throw 81mph. 

It's time to hang 'em and enjoy being old. And if you get bored, it won't be long before Just for Men comes calling.

This post was originally published on

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